Tuesday, October 21, 2008

R08-5 A resolution to adopt principles of just and environmentally sustainable community economic development.

Resolved, that the Diocese of Southern Ohio, gathered in the 134th diocesan convention, adopts the following principles of environmentally sustainable community economic development:

1) Development strategies should focus on workforce development, local small business formation, and strengthening local food systems and family farms. Strategies that depend on resource extraction are not sustainable and should be discouraged. Strategies that depend on outside business attraction should not be given a priority.

2) Development must be accountable to the democratic process. “We the people” must have a central role in making decisions that affect our lives and livelihood. Development decisions should be made in the light of day, with transparent procedures, and public hearings. Elected officials should be responsible to the needs and concerns of constituents, especially the most vulnerable among them.

3) Development should not pose excessive risks to the environment or adversely affect the health of people and other living things.

4) Development should benefit the poorest members of affected communities and lead to shared prosperity. A living wage, fair working conditions, and the rights of labor, including the right to organize, should be respected.

5) Development decisions should pay special attention to the impact on Appalachian communities, communities of color, and other vulnerable communities, and be it further

Resolved that the Diocese of Southern Ohio commends the document “Just, Reasonable and Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio" as the beginning point for a developing conversation about environmentally sustainable community economic development.

Presented by:
The Rev. R. William Carroll, Good Shepherd, Athens
Contact: gsrector@gmail.com
The Rev. Robert D. Hughes, non-parochial priest, The University of the South
The Rev. David McCoy, retired priest
The Rev. Richard Burnett, Trinity, Columbus
The Rev. Paula Jackson, Our Savior, Cincinnati
The Rev. John Paddock, Christ Church, Dayton
Appalachian Ministry Commission

Explanation: The seventh of the Millennium Development Goals calls us to “promote environmental sustainability.” Further, General Convention Resolution D066 (2003) endorsed the statement of the Global Anglican Congress in Johannesburg, which among other things calls upon “secular and Church leaders, lay and ordained, in all parts of the Anglican Communion to place the planetary crisis at the highest level of their concerns” and for “public policies that reflect the principles of sustainable community.” Still further, the Diocese of Southern Ohio at our 133rd diocesan convention adopted R07-6, which calls for the development of principles of environmentally sustainable development with a special emphasis on “Appalachian communities, communities of color, and other vulnerable communities.” These sustainable development principles are in accord with best practices of organizations working in the field. They also embody principles entailed by our baptismal covenant.

Impact on God’s vision in the Diocese of Southern Ohio: This resolution further specifies what is stated in an abstract way in R07-6, adopted by the 133rd diocesan convention. It gives guidance to the people, bishops, and clergy of Southern Ohio, both for public policy work and in making economic decisions that may affect development.

Budget Impact: There is no direct budget impact. Abiding by these principles might have an indirect impact on future budgets.

Program Impact: Presumably, there will be some, as decisions are made and advocacy undertaken in light of these principles. The principles do not, as written, call for any specific program impact.


Richelle Thompson said...

From the Cincinnati meeting at Christ Church, Glendale:
Question: What does implementation of this resolution look like?

Richelle Thompson said...
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Richelle Thompson said...

From the Columbus Deanery:
• Contains principles for sustainability rather than specific program in Resolution 4

Richelle Thompson said...

From the Dayton Deanery:
• The Rev. Dick Burnett described Resolutions 4 and 5 as challenges to the church community to provide its service to the poor in a more sustainable way.
• The resolutions owe much to the initiative of Paul Clever’s work in Appalachian communities and his interest in New Monasticism, which aims in part to link prayer, rule of life, and agriculture in a spiritually fulfilling way. Burnett expressed hope that these resolutions would help the diocese feel a stronger connection to the Appalachian communities in the southeast quadrant of the state.
• The following concerns were raised:
~ The resolutions don’t specify who would be responsible for seeing that directives of the resolutions would be successfully implemented. It was also suggested that, if passed, a report should be issued on what sustainability initiatives have and have not been accomplished. Burnett will raise these concerns with the presenters of the resolutions.
~ By way of clarifying the phrase “other diocesan entities who hold land” (Resolution 5), Bishop Price noted that this language represented the possibility of setting aside part of the Procter farm to support not just the camp but also food banks. This redirection of land would not impinge on current arrangements under which proceeds from farming contribute to operating expenses at the camp.

Richelle Thompson said...

November 8, 2008: Delegates pass this resolution as amended (addition is in bold, italics indicates a deletion)

R08-5 A resolution to adopt principles of just and environmentally sustainable community economic development.
Resolved, that the Diocese of Southern Ohio, gathered in the 134th diocesan convention, adopts the following principles of environmentally sustainable community economic development:

1) Development strategies should focus on workforce development, local small business formation, and strengthening local food systems and family farms. Strategies that depend on resource extraction are not sustainable and should be discouraged. Strategies that depend on outside business attraction should not be given a priority.

2) Development must be accountable to the democratic process. “We the people” must have a central role in making decisions that affect our lives and livelihood. Development decisions should be made in the light of day, with transparent procedures, and public hearings. Elected officials should be responsible to the needs and concerns of constituents, especially the most vulnerable among them.

3) Development should not pose excessive risks to the environment or adversely affect the health of people and other living things.

4) Development should benefit the poorest members of affected communities and lead to shared prosperity. A living wage, fair working conditions, and the rights of labor, including the right to organize, should be respected.

5) Development decisions should pay special attention to the impact on Appalachian communities, communities of color, and other vulnerable communities, and be it further

Resolved that the Diocese of Southern Ohio commends the document “Just, Reasonable and Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio" as the beginning point for a developing conversation about environmentally sustainable community economic development, and be if further

Resolved that the Social Justice and Public Policy Network assist congregations in developing this conversation and report the results of their efforts to Diocesan Council.